Helping you become friends with yourself and the world around you so you can have peace and balance in the different seasons of your life.
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At Mindful and Multicultural Counseling, we center the following values:
Building Mindfulness in Our Identities and RelationshipsOur minds tend to do a lot of time traveling. Traveling to the past where we tend to live with sadness, guilt, and shame. Or, traveling to the future where we tend to live with worry and anxiety.
At our counseling practice, we center mindfulness as a way to stay grounded. Mindfulness and meditation can teach us a way to live that honors the present moment. This practice allows us to feel a wide range of emotions with more grace and ease. Mindfulness can help us start to notice and observe the stories we tell ourselves. Then, we can change our relationship to our thoughts. Through the practice of mindfulness, we work to balance "being" and "doing" modes in our life. We work towards accepting life as it is, rather than as we wish it be. This allows us to reduce suffering and improves overall mental health. Balancing Acceptance and Change: DBT and Multiple TruthsAt Mindful and Multicultural Counseling, one type of counseling we offer is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT teaches us to assume that in every moment there are multiple truths. It moves us away from black and white thinking to “both/and” thinking. DBT also assumes people are doing the best that they can. And, that there is a way to reduce pain and suffering in one’s life by learning certain coping skills. These skills teach us that sometimes, we have to change how we are solving our problems. Other times, we have to learn to accept things as they are. Validation of our life experiences and finding the wisdom within us is key to growth. We use DBT for trauma, DBT for teens and host DBT skills groups to assist our clients with this type of both/and thinking.
Moving Intentionally From Surviving to ThrivingEarly childhood experiences can leave us feeling scared. We can get the idea that we're not wanted and not seen. Sadly, these ideas can cause us to develop strategies for surviving that interfere with us living a full life. They can also keep us from developing healthy, secure, balanced relationships.
The latest research shows that we have the possibility to grow, change and rewire our brain throughout our life. This type of growth requires lots of practice and new experiences. At our Ewing, NJ counseling clinic, we want people to not only survive but to thrive. Therefore, our therapists personalize mental health treatment to support you on your unique journey. Let us help you take the first step today. Welcoming One’s Whole Self Into More SpacesAs a counseling center, we want to create an environment where everyone feels welcomed. Our society may tend to focus on white, cis, male, heterosexual, Christian, able-bodied individuals. However, our therapists center the experiences of people who have felt not seen, oppressed, targeted or not allowed to be their full selves. We explore areas of privilege within ourselves as well as how our many identities intersect. We specifically name the impacts of: racism, sexism, white privilege, heterosexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ageism, ability, body size, and social class.
At Mindful and Multicultural Counseling, we seek to make space for everyone and honor your individual trauma histories. We want to awaken the parts that have been silenced and hear their stories. We honor the inherent worth and dignity of all beings and recognize we are all connected. Understanding that causing pain to others comes from pain from within. |
Mind, Body and Spirit Harmony
What we know is that everything has a beginning, middle and end. As humans, we can be vulnerable as we transition from one season of our life to another and sometimes get stuck. We experience life not only in our minds but also in our bodies and spirit. Our therapists value therapy that incorporates the best of Eastern and Western philosophy to bring harmony into our daily life. Sometimes talking is not enough to heal the emotions and wounds that live in our body and soul. We may find support and nourishment in movement, energy work, meditation, nature, creativity, or various spiritual practices. For this reason, we are honored to offer yoga, mindfulness practice and group therapy opportunities to connect as a whole individual.